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Just Be Unabashedly You

How to be yourself

How to be yourself

Last week I presented my 6th and final financial report to 400 of my naturopathic colleagues practicing in BC. I decided (okay the bylaws decided) that after three 2-year terms I would step down as treasurer from the British Columbia Naturopathic Association.

It seems a bit incongruent doesn’t it? Effervescent me standing up and talking about the fiscal year? Should I just start snoring now? The truth is I like numbers AND I like to laugh.

Before the first presentation I did in 2008 I was a bit panicked. I couldn’t stand up there and be boring – I just couldn’t! My dad had suggested that I use an analogy, like a cookie. Good idea, I thought. But a cookie is a terrible example for this particular population.

I’ve got it!

I’ll compare the BCNA finances to a smoothie. It’s unabashedly naturopathic!

I stood up there and talked about how the berryship (membership) was up, and the income (the chocolate flavor) was beyond great. They laughed. They loved it. Several colleagues that I hadn’t yet met came up and introduced themselves and told me how much they enjoyed it. It (and maybe even I) was a hit!

Over the years I used different analogies: photosynthesis, the roller coaster (a particularly memorable fiscal), snakes and ladders, and the chicken dance. Every year more and more good feedback. People telling me that my presentation was what they looked forward to most each AGM.

I wanted to go out with a bang for my final presentation this year. I came up with the perfect analogy. But to make it stick I had to share a story.

You see after highschool I was herded off to a local university like a little sheep. Baaaaa. I enrolled in general sciences which was interesting and relevant. But something was missing. I had been dancing all my life and wanted (if not needed) to be doing it more.

Dr. Tonia as an adorable Care Bear with a heart on her belly

After auditioning and being accepted into the contemporary dance program at ANOTHER local university, I decided to make the switch and transfer for the following September. I called the first university student services and had the following conversation:

“I’m transferring. What do I need to do?”
“Nothing? No papers to sign?”
“I just go?”

And here I injected some unabashedly Tonia humor to try to lighten the mood.

“You mean no balloons? No parade?”


I guess not.

I told this story to my colleagues in the hotel conference room. I then explained that since this was my last year as treasurer, and I was a little worried that the same thing would happen, I was throwing myself a powerpoint parade.

I threw up this slide**:

Tonia's retirement parade, being unabashedly Tonia

The room roared with cheers and applause. I was so touched. I swallowed my almost tears and carried on with my report touching on such highlights as “Balloons, floats and dancing girls” (revenue) and “Melted icecream and sticky cheeks” (liabilities).

Me being unabashedly me was totally okay.

(Tweet it!)

And I think you being unabashedly you is totally okay too.

Granted not 100% of people will like you 100% of the time. This is also okay.

In fact I did get some unimpressed reviews after my 2nd treasurer presentation. “Just the facts, Ma’am,” they requested.

To introduce my 3rd presentation I said, “I understand a few people don’t love my presentation style. And that’s okay. I can’t stand up here and be someone other than myself. I’m fun, bubbly, and spin boring things into intriguing narratives. Please note that I am sharing all the important details about our BCNA finances. I’m hiding nothing from you, including myself.” This was also met with applause.

The point is that you don’t need permission to be real. If you feel like you need permission, then please accept this post as such.

Just be unabashedly you.

The relationships and circumstances you attract will be so rich, and deeply rewarding. Take your masks off. Leave your costumes at the door. Show up as you are. Naked. Vulnerable. Real. You.

I’d rather risk not being accepted universally than hide some of my greatness.

I’m going to put the fun in finance (well not anymore that I’m retired.) I’m going to write unabashedly a dozen or so times in one article.

I’m going to challenge the status quo, and change the world through naturopathic medicine or Brain-Based Transformational Coaching.

I’m going to keep dancing. I’m going to ask about balloons and parades when I’m leaving one university to go to another.

I am going to choose joy, celebration, and love as often as possible.

(Tweet it!)

Why? Because that’s me. And if not me, then who?

What about you? In the comments below I’d love to hear about what parts of yourself that you’re proud to parade these days.

Here’s to your unabashedly-you, delightful life,
Dr. Tonia

P.S. I love that little dancer Tonia has a heart on her Care Bear belly. It’s perfect foreshadowing of the lessons that would come in my life.

** I didn’t actually throw up the slide as in I didn’t vomit it up. Just put it up on the screen. Just so we’re clear.

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