I learn my lessons in strange places
It has not gone unnoticed that this is not the first post about public washrooms I’ve written this year.
I admit it’s peculiar that this is a time for me to learn and grow. To the average person a washroom is merely a time to attend to the trains leaving the station. But me? Washrooms are a super opportunity to change my neural networks. And don’t worry this article is not about poo. I covered that here.
I was at a weekend workshop and every time I used the loo, I chose the same sink. I chose the same sink every time because I chose the same stall every time. The sink was directly in front of the stall. It made sense to take the 2 steps to the sink from the stall, instead of the 4 steps to the next sink over. In fact the other sink wasn’t even on my radar.
But the sink I chose consistently, sucked consistently.
The pressure was less than desirable, and the temperature was unpredictable. It made hand washing a drag.
On the Sunday afternoon (aka Day 3 and almost the end of the workshop) a fellow participant was in the washroom with me at the same time. She saw me struggling to get the soap residue off my skin with the trickle of pressure.
“The next sink over works really well.”
“Excuse me?” I said as if she had said something offensive.
“The one beside you works really well.”
Harumph. Couldn’t she see that I chose this sink – consistently, on purpose? I asked myself like I had some pointless point to prove.
I rolled my inside eyes and crab walked to the next sink over. Comparatively it was a divine washing experience.
Interesting (pronounced: iiiiiiin-ter-es-ting).
A subtle shift in perspective changed my entire experience of the weekend, my work and my life. Woah.
I no longer felt locked in to soapy residue by some absurd loyalty to the sink that did not provide an equal exchange. Like that old Swedish furniture store commercial, “It’s a faucet, it doesn’t have any feelings.” I found it so absurd that I continued to suffer despite having different options very close by. But as soon as that option was presented and tried, I wondered why I hadn’t seen it before.
In a bigger way, I instantly applied the moment to my patients and their first interaction with me or the thought of me. They (maybe even you) have been suffering for a while. Low energy, funky mood, digestive and skin concerns. Anxiety, stress, irritability and of course the weight gain. They see doctors and specialists, and get no answers. They keep plodding along, doing what they’re doing, getting what they’re getting. I heard Louise Hay say this (I think), but the Google-bots tell me Wally Amos, Albert Einstein and a bunch of other famous people said,

They just need to know that there is another sink really close by.
I’m here. Ready and able to help, but for some reason I’m out of their scope. I have solutions to make their bodies healthier and their lives happier. I’m the other sink. Just waiting to be noticed.
I totally get that it seems easier to take 2 steps instead of 4. But would you be willing to take 4 steps if it meant you actually got the outcome you’re hoping for? The 2 steps are wasted if they don’t get you to where you want to go. Your hands stay soapy, you remain in your funk, your life purpose isn’t met, and the world suffers because you weren’t willing to shift your perspective.
Okay that may be a little melodramatic. But I want you healthy, happy, and doing what you love, gosh darn it!
Maybe you need to re-frame what’s good and true for you.
I’m shifting my perspective in a major way this year. I’m changing how I approach new years’ resolutions. Instead of creating statements and lists of what I resolve to do, I’m going for feelings (more of this in a future article). I’ve also picked a word of the year: VISIBILITY. I’m ready to see more of myself, and in turn be seen more. It’s gonna be a good year.
Here’s to your jivin’ Health & thrivin’ Life,
Dr. Tonia
PS: I want to hear from you. In the comments tell me about a time your perspective changed and what resulted.