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There’s Hope for Cancer – Radical Remission Book Review

I don’t see a lot of cancer patients in my practice. It’s something that I’ve found a bit frightening. And to be honest, it’s not the disease itself, it’s the way people seem to get disempowered with that diagnosis.

I find it depressing how quickly people tend to roll over and submit to the idea that they are going to succumb to this illness. Dr. Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D. traveled the world talking to patients who “spontaneously” healed themselves from cancer. She also interviewed several healers, including Naturopathic doctors and BodyTalk Practitioners.

I put the word, “spontaneously” in quotation marks because the remissions didn’t happen instantaneously or over night. Some took several years. By “spontaneously” Dr. Turner means with out conventional medical treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery.

In her research she was able to identify 9 Radical changes that were common amongst these cancer thrivers. She took these 9 factors and put them in a book called, “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds.

This book is full of life. And hope. And practical ways to increase your chances of healing your cancer. And I love that.

I believe in the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal if given the right circumstances. This book is all about exactly that: giving the body the perfect conditions for healing. Dr. Turner provides beautiful anecdotes of the patients and healers she interviewed for her PhD. I cried and I laughed.

The 9 factors that can radically make a difference in cancer outcomes are (Tweet it):

  1. Radically changing your diet
  2. Taking control of your health
  3. Following your intuition
  4. Using herbs and supplements
  5. Releasing suppressed emotions
  6. Increasing positive emotions
  7. Embracing social support
  8. Deepening your spiritual connection
  9. Having strong reasons for living.

My favorite story in the book is that of a Japanese business man who healed himself by meditation, and chanting, often with the birds before sunrise. He realized his cancer was not something to fight but to love. He figured out he created his cancer and therefore should treat it like a child and do nothing but love it.

This book is a must read for everyone touched by a cancer diagnosis – patients, families, and doctors. Radical Remission provides the tools and outlook they will need to heal their bodies and their lives.

Dr. Turner’s recommendations are practical, and clearly effective. She concludes her book with a proper definition of healing:

“Curing means getting rid of a disease, while healing means becoming whole. Curing is sometimes possible, while healing is always possible.”

With out a doubt, the 9 factors delineated in the book have true healing potential, which in turn can (and have) lead to cure. She shows you how living a full life with purpose and joy is the way to repair and thrive. And that jives with my mission – to get people happy, healthy and doing what they love.

I want you living your most healthy, delightful, thriving life, and this book can help you get there no matter what your diagnosis or disease label (cancer or otherwise).

To your delightful life,
Dr. Tonia

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