Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

Call me crazy, but I believe that healthy, happy people doing what they love contribute to a more peaceful world.

I want you to be one of those people.

I have a community of peeps who have become one of those people. But I’m not working alone. I believe nature has some hot diggity answers for us. You see, I’m a lover of nature and all things natural.

Lets back up. I haven’t even introduced myself. My fancy name is Dr. Tonia Winchester, but you can call me Tonia. (That’s Tonia like tonic aka the Weekly Tonic for which you can sign up for FREE below.)

We’re gonna back up a lot. As a child I was good at three things:
1. Solving puzzles
2. Being a safe space (for people to share their stuff)
3. Doing my own silly thing
4. Dancing

(Okay, that’s four things. But they’re all really important.)


At age 10 I declared my desire to be a pediatrician. I wanted to help kids get better so they could have tons of fun. However, through my own health challenges as a teen I became disenchanted with the conventional medical system. I was shuffled out of doctor’s offices with prescriptions meant to fill the empty hole I was feeling for not being heard.

The reality was, I wanted to help people in a meaningful way. At 18 I discovered a perfect-fit alternative, something that would combine all my skills and loves. I knew my life (and possibly yours) would never be the same.

In university I studied the human body in overdrive; I majored in Kinesiology and minored in Contemporary Dance. After uni I spent four MORE years studying Naturopathic Medicine.

Yep, now I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, in Nanaimo, BC. I do a bunch of naturopathic and conventional medical gobbledee-gook, but only because I’m committed to world peace.

I believe healthy, happy people doing what they love contribute to a more peaceful world.

(Tweet it!)

I want you to be one of those people.

Right, we’ve been over this.

You may not share the same belief system, but I bet you’d agree that you could be healthier and happier. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this, right?

I can help you with your goal, and you can help me with mine.


It’s a beautiful, precious, symbiotic accord!

After all these years, I’m still good at the same things from my childhood:

1. Solving puzzles:

I do this every day. With every patient, in every visit. We put the individual pieces together. Sometimes it’s tricky, but it’s certainly never boring. Helping people unpackage the cause of their symptoms is like Christmas morning to me.

What nutrition, life, or stress factors may be contributing to your health problems right now? How can we change them to overcome your symptoms and instill healthy, happy, and wholesome as your new norm?

2. Being a safe space:

I have a knack for helping people feel at ease. People tell me things they “have never told anyone before.” I consider this to be one of my super powers.

So what’s your story? I’d love to hear it and help you see how it explains what’s behind your physical and emotional symptoms.

3. Doing my own silly thing:

I believe we’ve all got a unique path to our optimal health and happiness. Health care can’t be a one-size-fits all solution. I help my patients find their own way.You gotta do your own thing.

I certainly do mine. In spite of my fancy title, I’m a down right goof, and I love to laugh. Your journey to health doesn’t have to be so serious. In fact, it’s my life’s mission to make it more FUN.

Are you feeling a little uptight these days? When is the last time you had fun in a doctor’s office?

4. Dancing:

This runs in my blood and won’t ever change. Movement is such an important part of our physical and emotional health. For that reason, you may find me doing kicks and spins around the office when you’re here. Go with it. It’s all just part of the experience.

When was the last time you busted a move? I dare you to stand up right now and do the macarena. No one is watching. (I can’t back that up).

“You have embraced your inner child. How many doctors dance and twirl around their office? We love that you do that. You are a free spirit much like children are and that’s a quality we lose as we get older, although we shouldn’t. It’s beautiful.”

– Stephanie V.


Whether you’re here in Nanaimo or you’re in Australia, I am so excited for the chance to help you get your groove back.

For weekly tips, inspiration, and occasional dance moves, sign up for my newsletter, the Weekly Tonic: