And I’m not talking about the kitchen.
Nope. I’m not on glue. Although it’s funny you should think that. Glue is a perfect example of what I’m talking about in this article.
The truth is that often those stubborn, unwanted pounds are not actually the problem.
Get this. Often they are the solution.
Pause and read that again.
I’ll make it easy for you.
The problem, you ask?
The Problem is Toxicity.
Boy oh boy! This can be a frightening and enlightening topic.
The body is very clever, and I fully believe in it’s ability to self-heal and keep us safe from (perceived or real) danger. If we are exposed to toxicity in our environment… sorry.
Let me back up.
WHEN we are exposed to toxicity in the environment (which we are, constantly, everywhere), the body does its best to process the toxins in the liver and eliminate them in the stool and urine.
The problem arises when the body is exposed to more than it can process and eliminate. We are exposed to thousands of environmental toxins every day in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the things we touch. We come into contact with chemicals such as solvents, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls.
The body has got to put that extra stuff somewhere. You know when you get a surprise visitor and you quickly shove all your clutter in the bedroom closet? (No? Just me?) Well, it’s kinda the same in the body. The toxins are stashed in the fat cells for safe keeping. Problem solved!
The Fat Cells Are Keeping Us Safe
Although hard to grasp, it’s often true. If the fat cells were to shrink (aka you were to lose weight) the body would become dangerously toxic as the chemicals are released from the fat cells. Remember, they were put there for safe keeping.
To compound this problem these toxins also enter the cells and clog up the factories that produce our energy. So we have to maintain fat to keep toxins out of the blood stream and our metabolism gets shuts down.
The buggers!
The sad thing is our home, what we consider to be our “safe place” might be the worst source of contact.
Lets talk about how to minimize this exposure in the first place.
Take a tour of your home. I’ll guide you through 3 overlooked rooms when it comes to weight loss. Food is a whole other topic for a whole other time. (And to be clear, OF COURSE the kitchen is important for toxicity related weight gain but I want to create awareness about other nooks and crannies in your house).
1. Bad News for the Bedroom
Ever considered the mattress you sleep on ideally for 8 hours a day (like a champ)? Full of fat-forming flame retardants.
Your new wall to wall carpeting? Why not toss some formaldehyde, toluene, and benzene into your body’s biochemical soup?
And your Egyptian cotton bedding that you’ve so carefully laundered and dryer-sheeted in your favorite fragrance? Both your lungs and your skin are breathing in chloroform and benzyl alcohol as you saw logs.
2. Think You’re Getting Clean in the Bathroom?
Sorry Sweets. There is a long list to watch out for here:
- make up (most lipsticks contain lead – my favorite shade)
- body and hair cleaning products (most contain sodium lauryl sulphates and parabens: known cancer causers and hormone messer-uppers)
- moisturizers (petrolatum or propylene glycol – aka anti-freeze. Take your pick!)
- toothpaste (I knew someone once who worked fixing elevators. He had to be in a full HASMAT suit while working at a popular toothpaste factory).
- Not to mention the hot water you’re showering in which is creates a toxic chlorine-based gas which you’re breathing in. This is slowing down your thyroid gland – again our metabolism is hooped.
3. Living Large in your Living Room
You probably are because the toxins in your furniture, the paint on your walls, and possibly even the laminate flooring under foot are off-gassing toxins that your fat cells are lapping up and well, making you large.
I know… I’m kinda being a Debbie Downer. But the good news is you’re a smart cookie! I know you can be more conscious about what you’re spending your money on and bringing into your home. It starts with awareness. Which hopefully I have been able to spark for you. Unless you still think I’m on glue (which I’m not but which is another toxic household agent).
For every unsafe product out there, you can find an alternative that won’t affect your body’s ability to lose or maintain a healthy weight.
Get curious. Read labels. Talk to companies.
Start with one room in your house and examine each drawer, cupboard and surface. What can you change right away? What might take some time?
What ever you do, start taking action. One little step at at time. Many consistent and little steps add up over time.
Of the examples I’ve listed above consider:
- purchasing a natural latex mattress or a wool mattress topper
- replacing your carpeting with bamboo, cork or hemp flooring
- using an eco-laundry detergent, fragrant free of course, a washer nut or a home-made dryer ball
- applying mineral based make-up available at health food stores
- washing with natural body cleaners and shampoos- be sure to read the labels here as product names can often be misleading
- using coconut oil for even your most delicate moisturizing needs
- mixing baking soda, mint oil and coconut oil to make your own toothpaste
- attaching a water filter on your shower head that neutralizes chlorine and fluorine in city water
- choosing low VOC paints
- avoiding press board furniture
I’d love to know your thoughts. Drop a comment below and let me know what the first step is you can take to change your home environment and truly make it safer for you.
Here’s to your jivin’ clean Health and thrivin’ Life,
Dr. Tonia